Heroku vs AWS

May 10, 2022

Heroku vs AWS

When it comes to cloud platforms for web development, two giants come to mind: Heroku and AWS. Both provide a vast array of services that allow developers to build, deploy, and manage web applications. But which one is better? Let's find out!


One of the most critical factors when choosing a cloud service provider is pricing. With Heroku, you pay for what you use, making it an ideal choice for small or medium-sized applications. However, for larger applications, the pricing can become steep, given that Heroku prices its Dynos (or servers) on an hourly basis.

On the other hand, AWS's pricing is more complex, but also more flexible, with usage-based pricing and several pricing models available. This makes it a better option for larger applications, where optimal resource management is crucial.

Ease of use

Heroku prides itself on its straightforward, user-friendly platform, where developers can deploy their web applications with just a few clicks. Furthermore, it provides a wide range of add-ons, such as databases and caching services, which simplify development.

While AWS has a steeper learning curve, it also offers more flexibility and scalability. AWS's vast array of services can make it challenging to find what you need, but once you do, the platform provides excellent performance and cost efficiency.


When it comes to performance, AWS edges out Heroku, thanks to its global server network and a vast array of servers. AWS's vast network of data centers provides faster load times and reduces latency, ensuring reliable application delivery.

Heroku, on the other hand, provides a smaller network of servers, which can lead to longer load times and reduced reliability. However, Heroku shines when it comes to ease of use and simplicity.


Both AWS and Heroku are excellent cloud platforms for web developers, with their own strengths and weaknesses. Choosing one over the other depends on the needs of the project, the scale of the application, and the developer's experience.

In summary, if you're working on a small to medium-sized application and prioritize ease of use and simplicity, then Heroku is the ideal choice for you. On the other hand, if you're working on a large application that requires flexibility, scalability, and optimal resource management, then AWS is the right choice.


  1. Heroku Pricing
  2. AWS Pricing
  3. AWS vs Heroku - Which to Use and When?

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